Well, the foot is still not at 100 percent. My husband, Alan, thinks it is more like 60 percent right now. The physical therapist still has me in the walking boot, as my gait is not very pretty without it. She says walking all wrong could damage other areas, such as my knee, hip, or back. She really seems to know what she is talking about, so I am listening to her. She has got me doing a few exercises every day, but I have been unable to see her since Wed. My workman's comp hasn't authorized the visits as yet. I have another visit set up for Monday-but we won't know until Monday morning if its approved. If not, then it will be on Wed. She and I both agree that having to wait like this and keep my foot in the boot is just setting me back.
So-I'm a little frustrated that I haven't had more progress in week 10. Wow, its been a long time.
To be normal again, to walk in shoes. Walk the dog. Ride my bike. Can't wait.
This is not just a whinefest. I'm grateful to be off the crutches and out of the cast. I can get around much better in the boot.
Diane's Caramels
1 month ago
1 comment:
hey there great place Love the Doggies and the baby!!! awwwwww
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